How to Generate Inbound Leads

How to Generate Inbound Leads | THAT Agency

There's been a lot of buzz about inbound marketing lately, and for good reason.  A successful inbound campaign attracts strangers with valuable content and converts them to leads.  The great thing about these inbound leads, is that they have an extremely low cost per acquisition with in comparison to other lead generation tactics.

Traditional marketing is quickly dying.  It interrupts the user experience focuses too much on making a sale.  Shifting  your focus to providing your target audience with the value they need to solve their problems will allow you to connect and engage with leads much more effectively.   


What Inbound Lead Generation Looks Like

It all starts with understanding what your buyer personas are actively searching for on their journey towards a purchase.  What problems do they have?  How can  you solve them?  The eBook covers this in greater detail but it's important that the focus remains on delivering value to your audience.  

Through the creation, publishing, and promotion of relevant content you'll be able to draw users in to your site and get them to convert by continually providing them with the value they're looking for, where they are.  Remember, meet them where they are, not where you want them to be. 


What's Inside

Users don't want interruptive content. Instead, they want to discover the value your company can provide them on their own. In this eBook, you'll learn about:

  • The proven framework behind generating inbound leads
  • How to create marketing people love
  • The 5 core aspects of your campaign that draw leads into your site
  • And more!

Simply fill out the form to the right to learn about how you can generate inbound leads on your website and set the foundation for a successful inbound marketing strategy.

Generate Leads - Inbound Style